Dying by Karōshi 過労死 (excessive work death) →


One of my best friends form medical school died a few years ago, 55 years old, excellent health, swam every day. Genius—musician, internist, bicycle designer. His name was Patrick Tekeli. His death affected me deeply. Mother found him dead. Suicide? Who knows; I call it Karōshi (過労死)— ‘excessive work death.’  I’ve already submitted my letter of resignation. Read blog & comment . . .

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How to say NO (for people pleasers) →

Say NO to people pleasers

People pleasers are dangerous. They actually end up hurting people. Don’t be too nice anymore. Here’s how I recovered—and you can too!  Read blog & comment . . .

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Doctor suicide an ‘inconvenience’ for patients →


Jon Azkue, a Chicago-area doctor, died by suicide just before completing his training. I first reported his death a few years ago. This is a follow-up story on his suicide. What really happened to Dr. Azkue? And why? In this podcast I break the silence on one doctor’s suicide. Read blog & comment . . .

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Doctor revived after near-suicide. Here’s what he says. →



In this podcast above, I share insights from a doc who barely survived his suicide attempt plus simple ways to prevent the next suicide. Listen in. You may save a life. Dear Pamela, I’ve never been so happy to fail at something in my life. Four weeks ago today I died. Cardiopulmonary arrest in jail. Why was I in jail? My wife alerted the police. Sheriff deputies were upset when I did not pull over to talk to them after overdosing. After boxing me in, they threw me from my truck into the slushy street and tased me. After charging me with a felony and two misdemeanors, they nearly provided the perfect assist to my suicide. Read blog & comment . . .

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A doctor’s love letter →

doctor love letter

My Dearest Love, Fiancé, Partner, and Best Friend, I want you to know just how much I love you. I genuinely love you with every ounce of my body and soul. 🙂 But I worry about you. You’ve been beaten down. Your residency program doesn’t set you up to succeed. Every day, you’re overwhelmed by another ridiculous list of tasks. Constantly, relentlessly someone is seeking your attention. Then you get rushed, thrown out of a rhythm. Your superiors find fault in you, quick to criticize you for their own failure to demonstrate the path to success. Read blog & comment . . .

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A Valentine’s plea for our doctors →

Love yourself first

For all of you hard-core docs who put everyone’s needs ahead of your own. For all the docs forgetting to eat or drink all day then fainting in operating rooms. For all my sisters working through miscarriages without taking time off to grieve. For all the doctors working with strep throat so severe they can hardly swallow. For all the dehydrated docs hooked up to IV poles that they keep dragging from room to room . . . Read blog & comment . . .



The truth about Caribbean medical schools →

Caribbean Medical Shool

Dear Dr. Wible, I want to fill you in on what really goes on behind the scenes at my medical school and maybe you can help inform other students about what happens here before they make a huge mistake. If students slip between the cracks of a US med school, then international med schools in the Caribbean may be the next choice. Some have better residency match rates than others so beware. Read blog & comment . . .




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